819-243-5551 info@institutig.ca

Coworking space



1. Lounge

2. Co Work. Inc

3. Cubicule

Day pass

Mailing address


A collaborative space

Working remotely has never been as widespread as it is today, and it’s not optimal for everyone. But who says working remotely has to be synonymous with working from home? 

Working in a coworking space is the best of both worlds. You get to work remotely AND connect with other business professionals. No more lunches alone, watching youtube or tik tok videos in your pajamas at 2 in the afternoon hoping that time will pass a little faster… 

Change your daily routine like 84% of the people who joined a coworking space and felt their motivation swell.


Schedule a meeting


You’ll get…

Unlimited free coffee every day

A soundproof “Kubicule” for your meetings or private calls

Access to our business network

A kitchen and amenities

Free parking on site

15% discount on ÉÉQO’s training courses

Join a vibrant entrepreneurial community

High speed WiFi

Access to printing services

1. Lounge

Collaborative space



  • Access from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday
  • Access to high speed WiFi
  • Access to printing services
  • Free parking 
  • Kitchen and amenities 
  • Free access to our activities and events 
  • 15% discount on EEQO training courses
  • Access to all facilities and benefits

150$/month | duration:3 months

2. Co work.inc

Collaborative space +


  • Access for 2 people
    (100$ per additional person)
  • 24/7 access secured by access card
  • Access to a mailing address
  • Access to meeting rooms – $250/month credit
  • High speed WiFi access
  • Access to printing services
  • Free parking
  • Kitchen and amenities
  • Free access to our activities and events
  • 15% discount on EEQO training courses
  • Access to all facilities and benefits

300$/month | Duration:3 months

3. Cubicule

Semi-private office



  • 24/7 access secured by access card
  • Access to a mailing address
  • Access to meeting rooms – $350/month credit
  • Access to high speed WiFi
  • Access to printing services
  • Free parking
  • Kitchen and amenities
  • Free access to our activities and events
  • 15% discount on EEQO training courses
  • Access to all facilities and benefits

400$/month | duration:6 months


Testimonials from our members

Super espace de travail. Équipe accueillante. Un bel endroit pour avoir son bureau sans avoir à payer un bureau au complet.

Olivier Tyteca

Faut voir! Excellent endroit pour faire du réseautage!

Johanne Fortin

Superbe endroit, très professionnel. Tout est dans les détails!

Marc White

L’institut Innovation Gatineau est vraiment l’endroit par excellence pour réunir les entrepreneurs. Ce n’est pas juste pour les jeunes, les projets technologiques ou des 5 à 7. C’est pour tous les entrepreneurs. Aller faire un tour, vous serez conquis comme je le suis maintenant.

Danielle Soucy

Un très bel endroit pour conférence ou espace de travail. Pour briser l’isolement de l’entrepreneur, on peut s’y rendre pour une journée ou avoir notre propre petit cubicule pour travailler avec un cout très raisonnable par mois. Vraiment, ça vaut la peine de découvrir, en plus, les gens sont vraiment accueillants et l’endroit est très propre.

Kathleen Caya

Come build the future

Or send us a message

Business Hours

Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm





Phone Number

(819) 243-5551


455 Boulevard de la Gappe, Suite 201, Gatineau, Québec,  J8T 0G1

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